Friday evening, January 16, 2004
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for barbecue dinner sold by Maverick's
Steak House.
Music begins 7:30 p.m.
on pictures to enlarge.
Chris Smither
- Over the last decade Smither has released one gem of an album
after another. His music draws as deeply from the blues as it
does from American folk music, modern poets and humanist philosophers.
With Train Home, his 11th recording, Smither shows
again how it should be done. Stereo Review says: "Smither
recasts the folk blues in the ethereal language of the poet,
projecting a kind of streetwise mysticism." Rolling Stone
says: "Bathed in the flickering glow of passing headlights
and neon bar signs, Smither's roots are as blue as they come.
There is plenty of misty Louisiana and Lightnin' Hopkins in
Smither's weathered singing and unhurried picking. So fine."
Chris Smither's audience, which hails from all global regions,
perfectly reflects the diversity of his sources. Guitar-heads
are drawn to Smither's Lightnin' Hopkins/John Hurt derived fretwork;
spiritual seekers nod in recognition at the hard-won knowledge
casually tossed off in his lyrics. And just plain music fans
who have come to Smither on their own - or have learned of his
music from the multitude of artists covering his songs - return
again and again.
Chris Smither's songs recorded by others include: Emmylou Harris,
"Slow Surprise"; Bonnie Raitt, "Love
Me Like A Man" and "I Feel the Same";
John Mayall "Mailorder Mystics"; Rosalie
Sorrels, "Every Mother's Son"; Peter Mulvey,
"Every Mother's Son"; and Christine Collister,
"Love Me Like A Man." www.smither.com
"Hawkeye" Herman - With well over
35 years of performing experience, Michael "Hawkeye"
Herman exemplifies the range of possibilities in acoustic blues.
His dynamic performances have won him a faithful following,
and he leads a very active touring schedule of performances
at festivals, concerts, school programs, and workshops. Hawkeye
performs a wide variety of traditional blues, ballads, swing,
and original tunes, on six-string and twelve-string guitar,
and is an adept and exciting practitioner of slide guitar and
slide mandolin. His music has been included in documentaries
and in three hit theatrical productions, and his CD, "Blues
Alive!," was greeted by rave reviews. His newest CD,
"It's All Blues To Me!" was released in February
of 2003. Hawkeye personifies versatile musicianship, originality,
and compelling artistry as a blues storyteller.
Hawkeye was the composer/musical director/musician for the hit
play El Paso Blue, which has had successful runs in San Franciso,
Seattle, San Diego, Chicago,
Portland, at the Kennedy Center in Washington DC, in Philadelphia
(where he was awarded the prestigious Barrymore Theater Award
for Best Original Music in a play for the '99/'00 season) and
at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, OR. Most recently,
he collaborated with Pulitzer Prize winning playwright Robert
Schenkkan on the music for the 2002 West Coast premiere of Schenkkanís
play Handler, also produced at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.
For the past five years, Hawkeye has served on the Board of
Directors of the Blues Foundation in Memphis, and is chairperson
of the Foundation's education committee. In May of 1998, Hawkeye
received the "Keeping the Blues Alive" Award
for achievement in education from the Blues Foundation.
The award was the result
of over 23 years of blues educational programs he has done
for students of all ages. In 2000, Hawkeye helped found
the Rogue
Valley Blues Festival. www.hawkeyeherman.com
Keith Liddy -
Although Keith has played in many bands with styles
ranging from rock to jazz and blues, his first love is the Blues.
roots in delta blues, country and folk, Keith plays and sings
from the
heart with soulful lucidity and raunchy grit.
Saturday evening, January 17, 2004
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for barbecue dinner sold by Maverick's
Steak House.
Music and Dancing begin 7 p.m.
on pictures to enlarge.
Holmes Brothers
- Those who know and love gospel-drenched soul music know and
love The Holmes Brothers. Originally from Virginia but based
in New York City for almost 40 years, Sherman Holmes, Wendell
Holmes and Willie 'Popsy' Dixon create some of the most spiritually
uplifting and down-right funky music today. The Holmes Brothers
effortlessly mix soul, blues, gospel, R&B and country into
a sound Billboard described as 'utterly astounding.' Their breathtaking
harmonies resonate with a passion and conviction matched only
by their superior musicianship. Theyíve played with Peter
Gabriel, Van Morrison, and Joan Osborne, and have gigged all
over the world?even performing for President Clinton. Now theyíve
joined the Alligator Records family with their label debut the
inspirational, stirring and totally contemporary SPEAKING IN
TONGUES, produced by multi-platinum superstar Joan Osborne (who
also sings backup vocals throughout). Throughout SPEAKING IN
TONGUES, the sweet gospel harmonies and classic soul shouting
drip with authenticity and passion.
Since their debut on Rounder Records in 1989, The Holmes Brothers
have worked virtually non-stop. In addition to their four critically
acclaimed Rounder albums, they released Jubilation for Peter
Gabrielís Real World label in 1992, becoming the first
American group to record for the standout world music imprint.
In 1994 they joined Van Morrison in the studio on the song Thatís
Where Itís At for the Real World compilation album A
Week Or Two In The Real World. 1996 found The Holmes Brothers
starring in the independent motion picture, Lotto Land, for
which they also recorded the soundtrack. The albums all received
massive praise. 'Mind-blowing,' said the Boston
Herald. 'Rich and satisfying,' raved The Washington
Post. In 1997, Joan Osborne asked The Holmes Brothers to be
her backing band when she opened for Bob Dylan. The Holmes Brothers
have appeared on Late Night With David Letterman and National
Public Radioís Mountain Stage. Theyíve been the
subject of features and reviews in Rolling Stone, Billboard,
Newsweek, USA Today, The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post,
The San Francisco Examiner, and countless other publications.
Theyíve toured all across the globe (including numerous
tours sponsored by the U.S. State Department), and never fail
to win over audiences everywhere they play. www.alligator.com/artists/bio.cfm?ArtistID=069
Whyte and Reflex Blue -
Hailing from Portland, Ellen Whyte and
Reflex Blue have made quite a name for themselves as one of
the leading
regional bands. Whyte and her band have been the recipients
of the
Cascade Blues Association Muddy Awards numerous times including:
Contemporary Blues Band, 2002; Best Regional NW Recording,
2002; Best
Performance of the Year, 2002 (Waterfront Blues Festival);
Contemporary Blues Band, 2001; Best Female Vocalist, 2000;
Contemporary Blues Band, 2000; Best Contemporary Blues Band,
1998; and
Best Regional NW Recording, 1997. In 2002, Whyte was inducted
into the
Cascade Blues Association's Hall of Fame. Other members of
Reflex Blue
include: Jesse Schmunk on guitar; Sonny Boyardee on bass; Alex
on keyboards and harmonica; and Jay Lundell on drums. www.ellenwhyte.com
Beau Berry Band - Beau
Berry is a native of the Delta region of Mississippi, home
of the
blues. He is the band's guitar player as well as its lead vocalist.
Beau spent most of his 35 years as a musician playing in the
bars of
Bourbon Street in New Orleans and in the clubs of Memphis.
Some of the
stars with whom Beau has shared the stage include Arron Nevill,
Daniels, Juice Newton, B.B. King, Emy Lou Harris and Eddie
Money. The
Beau Berry Band is rapidly becoming one of the most sought
after bands
in the Rogue Valley.
Sunday evening, January 18, 2004 - Blues Jam
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for barbecue dinner
sold by Maverick's Steak House.
Music begins 7 p.m.
Host Band: Gabriel and the Technicians
Blues Festival Menu by Maverick's Steak House
Served with choice of two sides (ranch beans, cole slaw, country
salad, corn)
Barbecue Ribs (beef or pork) $10.50
Barbecue Tri Tip Sandwich $8.50
1/2 Barbecue Chicken $10.50
Sauteed Portabello Mushrooms (vegetarian) $10.50
Deserts $3.00:
Apple Crisp
Brownies w/walnuts
Giant cookies

Workshops at Historic Ashland Armory
11 a.m. Chris Smither -- Blues guitar
12:30 a.m. Michael "Hawkeye" Herman -- Blues guitar
2:00 p.m. Gabriel Uri -- blues harmonica
Workshops at Historic Ashland Armory
12:15 p.m. Holmes Brothers -- Gospel sing-a-long
1:30 p.m. Ellen Whyte -- songwriting
3:00 p.m. Ariah Firewalker, lead singer with Gabriel & the
Technicians -- Blues
vocal techniques
and Sunday 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Free Performances
A Street Marketplace
12-12:45 p.m. Craig Schmele and Dave Wilson
1-1:45 p.m. Kay Garwood
2-2:45 p.m. Peter Spring
3-4 p.m. Rob Lowry and Friends
12-12:45 p.m. David Speigel and Susan Wells
1-1:45 p.m. Pete Herzog
2-2:45 p.m. Chuck Yates
3-4 p.m. Back Porch Swing, the music of Django Reinhardt
(gypsy swing from the
20s & 30s)
Standing Stone Restaurant and Brewery
12-12:45 p.m. Franklin Jones Band
1-1:45 p.m. Destiny Blues Band
2-2:45 p.m. Scott Woolsey
3-4 p.m. Back Porch Swing
12-12:45 p.m. Stanislove
1-1:45 p.m. Gus Johnson and Mich Lewis
2-2:45 p.m. Roadmasters
3-4 p.m G Valmont Thomas
pass, includes workshops and blues jam
$25/Friday evening
$28/Saturday evening
$15/each workshop
$8/Blues jam
Charge by phone at 1-800-992-TIXX or on the web at www.ticketswest.com.
Tickets subject to convenience charge.
Tickets may be purchased at the Music Coop in the A Street Marketplace,
Oak and A Streets, Ashland or by sending a check and self-addressed
stamped envelope to:
St. Clair Productions
PO Box 835
Ashland, OR 97520
Be sure and mention you are buying tickets for the Rogue Valley
Blues Festival. For more information, call 541-535-3562.